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Hurt In A Car Accident? Don't Do These 5 Things

by Gene Vasquez

If you are hurt in a car accident, it's important to let the insurance company take care of your medical bills, lost wages and other financial difficulties in the aftermath. Unfortunately, however, many insurance companies aren't very happy about paying out all of this money, and many of them do what they can to get out of it. That's why it's important to be careful about what you do after an accident. If you have been hurt in a car wreck, make sure that you don't do these five things. Otherwise, you could jeopardize your case.

1. Skip Getting Medical Attention

After getting in a wreck, you are probably ready to go home as soon as possible. Plus, you might assume that taking a few over-the-counter pain medications and relaxing for a while will help you feel better. If you feel bad at all, it's critical to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could jeopardize your case. Plus, not seeing a physician as soon as possible could result in your injuries getting worse.

2. Talk to the Insurance Company Too Much

It's best not to talk to the insurance company without the assistance of a car accident lawyer. Otherwise, you could accidentally say something that could jeopardize your case, or something that you say could be taken the wrong way. Instead, try to talk to the company strictly through your lawyer. If you can't avoid talking to the insurance company, make sure that you stick to the facts.

3. Forget to Take Pictures of Your Injuries

As you already know, bumps, bruises and burns will all begin to heal rather quickly. Since car accident claims can take a long time, it's critical to get evidence while you still can. Take pictures of your injuries right after they happen, and consider taking pictures every day until you heal. Then, you will have solid evidence of what you've been through.

4. Throw Away Your Medical Bills

Don't lose or throw away any of your medical bills or medical-related receipts. Hold on to all of them, and give copies of them to your car accident lawyer as soon as possible. These will be necessary so that you can be reimbursed for any expenses that you might have paid for during the healing process.

5. Tell Your Doctor You Don't Need a Letter

Your doctor should write a letter on office or hospital letterhead with details about the injuries that you have sustained. Contact information should also be added in case it is needed. This is something that you can give to a lawyer, such as Diane Parsons, to help your case.

It's important to be smart after being injured in a car accident. Make sure that you avoid these five things, and you should be okay.
