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Fou Ways That Getting A DUI May Effect Your Upcoming Divorce Proceedings

Getting divorced is a stressful time for most people even if their divorce is of the amicable variety. Getting a DUI on top of that not only adds to the emotional toll a divorce can take, but may have practical implications as well. Following are just four of the ways that a DUI arrest can potentially impact your upcoming divorce. Financial Losses  Getting a DUI has the potential to create significant financial difficulties in your life just by virtue of the directly associated costs alone.

7 Important Things You Must Do After (Finally) Winning Your Disability Case

It can take a long time to win a disability case, leaving your life and finances crumbling in the wake of every hearing and review. After you've finally won, though, you're still not out of the woods in terms of all the things that need taking care of. Here's a quick lowdown on some of the most important things you should be doing, now that your case is approved. 1. Review The Conditions Of Your Disability

Why You Might Not Need To Sue After A Car Accident

If a car accident left you severely injured and it was another person's fault, you can seek compensation from the responsible party for your injuries and damages. There are several different ways to handle an event like this, and the two main options are settling with the insurance company and filing a lawsuit. Lawsuits can be time-consuming and overwhelming, which is why a car accident attorney might suggest trying to settle before you file the paperwork for a lawsuit.