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Three Keys For Divorce

by Gene Vasquez

When going through a divorce, you might be stressed out and looking for help. To this end, you will want to make sure that you hire a properly licensed, accredited legal team and put forth the best strategy for getting the end result you are looking for. If you are going through a divorce and need a helping hand, consider these three tips so that you know how to handle it. 

#1: Hire A Seasoned Divorce Lawyer

Since you have a lot to protect in a divorce and since this is such a sensitive matter, you need to hire a lawyer who has some years of experience. Hiring the right divorce lawyer will allow you to make sure you are protected and that you have strategies that are useful during the process. Make sure that you also have money set aside to pay for professional legal representation. A divorce lawyer will usually charge you $75 per hour or more for their services and legal fees range between $15,000 and $25,000 in a contested divorce when it is all said and done. Ask about other sorts of payment arrangements that can help you so that you are certain you can afford it.

#2: Undergo Mediation When Possible

People tend to picture divorces playing out in court, but sometimes mediation is the best course of action to take. Mediation can be beneficial because it allows you and your spouse to negotiate the divorce and its terms every step of the way. This also is exponentially cheaper than fighting it out in court as well. Shop around for divorce lawyers who provide mediation so you will be able to compare their prices. You might expect to pay approximately $100 per hour or more on mediation services from professionals.

#3: Make Sure You Are Mentally Prepared

You will need to take care of yourself to be sure that divorce is absolutely what you want. Go through a separation period, whether your state legally requires it or not. This way, you will be able to experience what it's like to not live with your spouse and will get a chance to be by yourself for a while. During this time, you should go through counseling and should also consider couples counseling — either for closure or to see if the relationship is truly over.

If you follow these three tips and get in touch with a divorce lawyer, you are doing yourself a favor and ending your marriage on your terms. For more information, contact local professionals like The Law Office of Israel S Hernandez, PLLC.
