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3 Signs That A Divorce Is In Your Future

by Gene Vasquez

There are many people who are contemplating getting a divorce. If you are struggling in your marriage you might be wondering when the right time is to pull the trigger and file for a divorce. There are different limits for each person, but there are some general guidelines that can help you know if your marriage is beyond repair and you need to meet with an attorney.

1. You Cannot Trust The Person

One of the main reasons that people file for divorce is that one spouse has broken the trust of the other. For instance, one spouse may have had an affair, or done something secretive and damaging to the family, like a gambling addiction, that has compromised the financial security and future of the family. In some case the couple has been able to go through therapy or counseling and has found healing. However, if one or both spouses is unable to unwilling to try to reconcile the differences, then it is most likely a divorce.

According to the law, if one spouse has done something to break the trust or endanger the family, a divorce is merited. In fact, it can even be considered a fault divorce in some states. Thus, if your spouse has broken a promise or has abused your trust, you should let your attorney know.

2. Your Spouse Is Not Physically Present

Another reason that people get divorce is that one spouse simply walks out on the other. In some cases the remaining spouse will wait to see if they come back before they file for divorce. But in many cases you don't need to have them present if they abandoned you. You can meet with an attorney and let them know that your spouse left a certain amount of time and you can begin the divorce process. This may not be possible if they have been gone for a few days, but if they have been gone for a significant period of time, you can file for divorce without them.

3. You've Already Started Your Separate Life

In some cases, the marriage is so beyond repair that you and your spouse have already separated and all that is left is the legal divorce. You might have already separated your finances, you live in separate places, one or both of you may have already started dating and so forth. This is a sign that the marriage is over.

If you are dealing with any of these things, divorce may be in your future. Contact a business such as the Grafton Law Office for more information.   
