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Can A Lawyer Help Make The Divorce Process Easier?

by Gene Vasquez

If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce, you may be wondering if a lawyer is necessary to help with this legal process. You may be tempted to avoid doing it without a lawyer in an attempt to save money, but a lawyer can actually be very helpful in a few key ways. Here is what you need to know about how a family attorney can provide you with assistance during divorce proceedings.

Lawyer Help With Settling Divorces

Many people assume that all divorces go to court where a judge makes decisions on property distribution. This not true, since it is possible for the entire settlement process to happen in mediation rather than the courtroom. It should be a goal to settle the divorce outside of the courtroom, since it puts you in complete control over what you end up agreeing to for the terms of the divorce.

A layer can help you make the tough decisions and help create an agreement that everyone finds acceptable. You just need to realize going into mediation that you may not get everything that you want in the end, and that you must make compromises. As long as you realize this, you can avoid having a judge make the final decisions for you.

Lawyers Help Answer Your Questions

You've likely never gone through a divorce before, and you will have concerns about the process that are difficult to find answers to. By having a lawyer on your side, they'll answer legal questions with absolute certainty, rather than have you try to research the answer by yourself and not be sure if the conclusion you reached is correct. The insight you get from having a lawyer can help ease your concerns about the divorce process and make you feel less anxious about everything that is happening.

Lawyers Help Protect Your Personal Rights

When you don't use a lawyer, you may not be aware of what rights you will have during divorce proceedings. This extends to rights over visitation, spousal support, and child support. For example, you might not understand that your income level may still cause you to be entitled to child support to help care for your children during times they are with you. Your lawyer will fight on your behalf to ensure that you receive everything that you deserve from a divorce, and that you are not accidentally giving things away.
