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Know What To Do For Your Workers Comp Claim

by Gene Vasquez

When making a workers comp claim, many aspects of the case are out of your hands. Your workers compensation lawyer will be handling the paperwork on your end of the case, and your employers will be handling theirs. However, it's important to understand what your role should be throughout your claim to ensure that you receive your compensation.

Keep Accurate Documentation

You'll want to accurately document your injury, as well as the progress towards recovery that you're making. Your case may continue for months or years, making it difficult to remember how you were recovering at any given time. This can lead to making inconsistent statements about your recovery, which can cause your credibility to be doubted when speaking about the extent of your injury.

It will help to make a journal to document your recovery. It can be done on a weekly basis, where you gauge your levels of pain and mobility from one week to the next. It can help show how recovery is coming along, and how much more you have to go.

Limit Access To Medical Bills

It is common for the insurance company paying your workers comp to want access to all of your medical bills, and they may even request full authorization to do so. This is something you want to avoid; only give them limited authorization to bills that you deem are relevant to the case. If you give full authorization, the insurance company may go through your bills and try to find past medical problems that could be related to the current issue, with the goal to limit your compensation or even deny your claim.

Follow All Doctors Orders

It's important that you follow all of your doctor's orders throughout the recovery process, especially if you think you are making progress. A common problem that workers comp recipients have is not attending doctor's appointments or going to physical therapy, which can be interpreted as not needing those services anymore because the injury has fully recovered. Make sure that you attend all doctor appointments and any assigned physical therapy until your doctors says to stop going.

Don't Discuss The Injury With Others

When it comes to talking about your injury, especially on social media, try to stay away from this topic. You do not want any information there regarding the injury, especially if you hint at getting better in any regard. Once again, this is information that can be misinterpreted and used against you.
