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Ways Jury Consulting Services Help The Way Attorneys Try Their Cases

by Gene Vasquez

Not every legal case is a slam dunk. In some cases, it may be obvious that someone committed a crime or was negligent and caused injuries to another party, but in other cases, it can be much more challenging to prove a case. Jury consulting services can be used to help the way attorneys try their cases, helping them to deliver a more effective case and increase the chances of their client winning. Here are a few of the ways in which a jury consulting service helps the way attorneys try their case. 

An Attorney Can Get Insight Into What a Jury Thinks of Witnesses

Jury consulting services utilize impartial individuals who fit the demographic that the jurors on a given trial will be. An attorney is able to present their case to these individuals, including witness testimony. An attorney can then gain insight from that mock jury as to what they think about witnesses. They can tell an attorney if they believe witnesses or if they find witnesses not credible. This can help an attorney decide who to put on the witness stand when the trial starts. 

An Attorney Can Learn What a Jury Understands or Is Confused About

Science is often used when it comes to presenting different types of cases. Accident recreationists can be used to show who was at fault for a car accident. DNA and ballistics evidence is vital in murder cases. However, in order for scientific information to make an impact on jurors, they have to be able to understand it. A jury consulting service allows an attorney to run their information past everyday people and then fine-tune that information until it makes sense to those people. They can then present that information to a real jury in a way that will likely make sense to them. 

An Attorney Can Learn How a Jury Feels About the Outcome of a Case

Lastly, a jury consulting service allows an attorney to hear how a mock jury would decide the case. If there is a hung mock jury or a mock jury that comes up with a verdict that is not in favor of their client, they can get feedback on why the mock jury made the decision they did and make changes to their case that can hopefully change the outcome when the case really goes to trial. 

If you are an attorney and you have a case that you are not sure is a slam dunk, jury consulting services give you a venue to let impartial individuals hear your case and provide you with feedback on your case. This allows you to make changes to your case before it goes to trial, which may ultimately help you to win your case for your client. 

For more information, contact a company that offer jury consulting services.
