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When To Hire An Intellectual Property Lawyer

by Gene Vasquez

You might not be a stranger to the idea of hiring a lawyer to help with protecting property. When you think about this, however, you might think about the ways that an attorney can help with physical property. There are also lawyers out there who help people with protecting their intellectual property. Intellectual property attorneys can help clients in the following situations and more.

You'd Like to Establish a Patent, Trademark, or Copyright

It is important to take the proper steps to protect your ideas and your hard work. You might have come up with a great idea for an invention, for example, and you might be hoping to patent your idea so that you don't have to worry about someone else using it before you are able to. You might have worked hard on writing a book or creating a graphic, so you might be interested in securing a copyright for your work. You might just want to make sure that no one uses your business name or logo in their own marketing materials since you might have worked hard to establish and build your business.

Whether you need help with establishing a patent, trademark, or copyright, you probably will not want to try to do these things on your own. The laws relating to these matters can be quite confusing, and the process of filling out a patent application or other similar application be quite challenging. With the help of an intellectual property lawyer, however, you can get the job done right.

Someone Has Stolen Your Patented Idea

You might have shared your idea with others, or your patent idea might be publicly accessible. Either way, you might have unfortunately found out that someone else has copied the idea from your patent. This can be devastating news, but an intellectual property lawyer can help you take action against the party that has taken your idea and used it as their own.

Someone Has Violated Your Copyright

If you have recently found that someone has violated your copyright, such as if someone has stolen the written work off of your website or from your book, then you might be ready to do something about it. An intellectual property lawyer can help you with sending notices and taking other action to encourage the other party to stop using your copyrighted material. If this does not work, your attorney might assist you with taking that person to court.

For more information, contact an intellectual property lawyer today.
