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Three Tips For Getting The Child Custody Arrangement That You Want

by Gene Vasquez

If you are getting a divorce from your spouse, one of the main things that you may be focused on is getting the custody arrangement that you want. It's a very tough situation to be in, but there are tips that will help you get those desired results.

Prove How You Can Limit Disruptions In Your Child's Life

One way that you can get a favorable custody arrangement is to demonstrate to a judge that you are able to maintain your child's current standard of living as much as possible. It is not going to be exactly how it is before, but a judge is going to look for stability and consistency in their living arrangement. 

For example, are you planning on moving to a different school district or staying nearby? The latter can make you more favorable as a primary custodial parent since it will provide the least amount of disruptions. Other factors that matter are if your child is going to have the same caretaker and if they will be living in the same house. 

Prove That You Are Going To Be A Stable Parent

A common reason that judges do not allow a parent to have physical custody is due to the stability of the parent. This is often the case when issues of addiction or mental health issues come up in a divorce case, where one parent is viewed as more stable than the other. While you can't make these issues go away by the time a custody hearing takes place, you can show a judge that you are working on it. Are you going to therapy to treat mental health concerns? Are you taking steps to deal with issues of addiction? Showing that you are willing to take these steps can certainly help your case. 

Prove That You Have A Good Relationship With Your Child

Parents that have a history of a good relationship with their child will have an easier time getting physical custody. The problem is that one parent may have a better relationship simply because they are home with the child more often, and the other parent is away most of the day at work. Being the working parent doesn't mean that you are out of luck, but you still must put in the work to show that you can have a good relationship with your child. This means being there for them when you are at home, and showing that you are willing to do the work as a custodial parent. 

Your child custody attorney can provide you with more tips for getting a favorable custody arrangement. 
