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3 Defense Arguments Your Lawyer Will Use To Defend You Against Criminal Charges

by Gene Vasquez

A criminal charge puts you at risk of paying a hefty fine or spending years behind bars if convicted. However, the good news is that you are innocent until the prosecution proves beyond doubt that you committed the crime. Besides that, you will get a chance to defend yourself in court before conviction. 

When faced with criminal charges, the first crucial step is contacting a criminal defense attorney. They will evaluate the grounds of your case to determine the best defense strategies to secure your freedom. Below are a few arguments they may submit in court.

Your Action Was Accidental

The prosecution must prove that you intentionally committed the crime to convince the judge that you're guilty. In that regard, your lawyer can help you escape judgment by arguing that your action was not intentional. They will need to provide the court with evidence showing that your action was accidental and without criminal intent. If this argument succeeds, the judge may grant you a lenient judgment even if you're facing a first-degree murder charge.

You Were Defending Yourself or Others

The law prohibits anyone from attacking you in your house or on your property. Therefore, your case can be dropped if you injured someone who attacked you in your home or on your business premises. Your legal advisor will argue that you injured the complainant in an attempt to defend yourself, your family, or your employees. They will prove that you were in danger and escape was not a reasonable course, forcing you to fight or hit your attacker to prevent them from hurting you. However, the punishment you'll receive in this situation will depend on the force used during the defense. 

You Were Forced to Admit Fault

The police use different strategies to get information from crime suspects when interrogating them. Unfortunately, some officers threaten innocent suspects, forcing them to admit to a crime they never committed. If you believe that the police coerced you into admitting to a crime you never committed, your lawyer can help you fight these allegations. They will provide information proving that the police hurt you physically or threatened to lock you up if you did not admit to the crime.

The law gives you the right to defend yourself when facing criminal charges. A criminal defense attorney is fundamentally vital in this situation. They will help you fight the allegations to secure your freedom. Their strong arguments, such as those discussed above, will show that your actions were not intentional.

Contact a criminal defense attorney for more information. 
