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6 Things You Shouldn't Assume About Accident Lawyers

by Gene Vasquez

If you've been involved in an accident and have suffered financially as a result, it might be in your best interests to hire an accident lawyer. Don't forego the services of an accident lawyer because you believe misinformation about the services of accident lawyers.

The following are six things you shouldn't assume about accident lawyers. 

You'll succeed on your own at getting compensation for accident damages.

You cannot assume that you'll win compensation for your accident lawsuit or legal case without the professional expertise of a lawyer. You'll enjoy the highest possible chances of getting the compensation that you deserve with an accident lawyer. 

It will take too long for your accident lawyer to get you any compensation.

When you're dealing with expenses resulting from an accident, you may need to get funds relatively quickly. While accident cases can take time, you might be surprised at how quickly you reach a settlement in your case. 

You shouldn't assume that it will take too long to get compensation for accident damages with the help of an accident lawyer. Your accident lawyer may be able to negotiate a settlement that will get you access to your needed funds relatively quickly. 

You have plenty of time to decide if you want to hire an accident lawyer.

When you are deciding whether to pursue a lawsuit after financial damages from an accident, it's important to realize that the clock is ticking.

You need to make any legal moves you want to make before the statute of limitations has run out. Every state has a statute of limitations law in effect on accident cases. These laws give you a limited amount of time during which you can legally pursue compensation after an accident.

Your insurance company will hire an accident lawyer and file a lawsuit for you.

Your insurance company will only do what it is legally obligated to do according to your policy. This might not include pursuing compensation for accident damages in certain cases. You shouldn't assume that an accident lawyer's services can't help you if your insurance company hasn't already pursued legal action on your behalf. 

You'll have to testify in court if you hire an accident lawyer.

While you may have to go to court in certain cases to pursue your accident claim after hiring a lawyer, this is not always the case.

In many cases, your lawyer can negotiate a settlement so that you don't have to go to court. Even if your accident case goes to trial, you might not have to testify or be present for the entire trial with the services of a lawyer. 

You can't hire an accident lawyer if you can't pay upfront.

Usually, accident lawyers are paid through contingency fees. With a contingency fee agreement with your lawyer, you only have to pay for legal services if you win compensation for accident damages.

To learn more, contact a car accident lawyer in your area today.
